Tag Archives: Hypertension

The Good That Pineapples Do

English: Pineapple on its plant, Costa Rica De...

Who could resist that wonderful, sweet and yellow apple with those quirky little pines? Count me in–pineapples are my favorite fruit to eat–enough about that!

Did you know that pineapples are not only tasty and healthy, but they can also be a benefit to some of the ailments that we, as humans, can suffer from? It’s true.

Because of its content in bromelain, which consist of three different enzymes (bromelain, ananasa, and extranasa), the pineapple is ideal for circualtion. This component dissolves blood clots and is involved in thinning the blood.

This is excellent for avoiding circulatory conditions, as in thrombosis, heart attacks, and strokes. It also lowers high blood pressure, or hypertension.

In addition to its circulation and anticoagulant properties, bromelain is powerful in terms of digesting proteins so it will be beneficial in the digestion process. A good old piece of pineapple after finishing allows us to digest food better; it aids the stomach to feel less full faster.

This capacity to digest proteins can be used to our advantage for the elimination of microorganisms and parasites from our precious bodies. As a result, pineapple acts as a purifying agent of the digestive tract and aids to eliminate the bacteria that is a factor in intestinal putrefaction. It is also responsible for the feeling of pain in the bowels, also known as diarrhea. Pineapples are also used to eliminate intestinal worms. The different type of treatment includes eating pineapples only for several days.

Bromelain not only digests protein, but it is very powerful in digesting has been proven. This can be used in treating obesity. Its richness in fiber, pectin and vitamin C and its low calorie content can be beneficial in performing the same function. There is the possibility of the pineapple diet that involves consuming it everyday. This diet, if followed occasionally, can help reduce excessive weight after overeating.

Pineapples have anti-inflammatory properties; it is beneficial in pain reduction. Eating a pineapple is a common thing with athletes to prevent tenditis or bursitis.

Making pineapples a part of your dish can help overcome joint pain, not only for athletes but for everybody. Back problems, sprains, or dislocations could be less painful and heal if you include this particular fruit in your diet.

According to scientific research, this fruit may improve symptoms of inflammation in individuals suffering from lupus. It also showed that pineapple consumption with turmeric, the anti-inflammatory effect provides more of a benefit.

Pineapple is the ideal diuretic fruit. In addition, aspargague (the stuff in asparagus) and bromelain, it contains potassium that neutralizes sodium, caffeic acid and arginine. These elements aids in eliminating water in the body. This is the reason that they avoid the edema formation or liquid retention in the body and can be very helpful.

I guess that pineapples are not only delicious, beautiful and nutritious–it works wonders!

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Posted by on October 5, 2013 in food remedies


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